Saturday, December 11, 2010


December 21, 6:00 A.M. Cairo, Egypt

There are people of all Faiths and all Religions coming together to pray, and to focus/mediate on celebrating global peace and prosperity at this time. Join us in your places of worship and praising of all good things.

Note that this falls on different days in other countries and time zones, so check yours and how it aligns with Cairo, Egypt time.

There are focused points (Meaning religious orders and groups and organizations) all over the world who have validated their participation, so we are already millions strong, so if you cannot get with organized efforts other place, do your own, gather with family, neighbors, work, and in public places with those who are willing to take a moment and know You are, because God Is.

Serve the World with intent on peace and prosperity this season….Pray and Meditate with us!!!
It is time that intelligence rises to the call, and the Peoples of this world stand in the light of truth…truth is God by its many sacred names….

Historically we are living it again. There are the few that always controlled our health, wealth and happiness, by sending forth propaganda as statistics and reports from some dark usually unable to really name source, and it is so clever in placing fear of scarcity into our minds and then as always they leave it up to F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) to do the rest, and so it all begins and the population follows and believes it!! This has been happening for eons. When is it enough?

It’s all a Mind Game. And its suppressive power playing their game and we are the pawns.

There is more than enough wealth for all and there is no need for scarcity. Organization is realization!!! People stand and govern yourselves, in your family, in your churches, your towns and Cities, your states and countries. Let us all be of One mind, let that be health, wealth and happiness for all Peoples. And if you can at least agree that prayer and meditation can help, join our global time to focus on praising Source in its many sacred names and celebrate the gifts of faith and love all have that has a heartbeat and is breathing. We are the difference and there is always a choice, God gave it as free will and no man can deny its reality….

PLEASE PASS THIS ON! thanks! -MsQueer

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"It Gets Better" (Broadway sings for the Trevor Project)

AWESOME Video put together for The Trevor Project and the It Gets Better Project. Thanks to all who made this video possible – you are amazing. Nuff said!

Please help share this video with as many people as you can! Help get this beautiful and powerful message out to our LGBTQ Youth! -Deb Adler

©2010 Deborah Adler. All rights reserved.

Wear Purple on October 20 for Spirit Day

GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) has launched a “Wear Purple on October 20 for Spirit Day” Campaign on Facebook, Twitter and through its website:

to ask people to honor the recent LGBTQ teens who committed suicide and to End Anti-Gay Bullying.

Here are some of the suggested additional activities:

“ On Wednesday, post this tweet: I'm wearing purple to end anti-LGBT bullying - make your profile pic purple today #SpiritDay

On Wednesday, post this Facebook status: I'm wearing purple today to support LGBT youth - make your profile pic purple today for Spirit Day at

Please visit and support providing safe schools free from bullying for LGBTQ and all Youth!


©2010 Deborah Adler. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Girl Effect: The Clock is Ticking

It Gets Better Project - Deb Adler

The "It Gets Better Project" is a canpaign to have LGBTQ people share on YouTube with the hundreds of youth who may be questioning their identity or experiencing bullying in school. It ios esoecially aimed at those contemplating suicide. Here's the contribution from Deb Adler, singer-songwriter, businesswoman and entrepreneur and author of

©2010 Deborah Adler. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Are Attacks on Our Allies Attacks on Us?

When allies are defamed, why should we care? What’s the first question that pops up in the ensuing conversation? Is she/he gay? Now mind you we’re talking about a conversation taking place between two (or more) LGBTQ persons. So we don’t want to be labeled, profiled, judged, etc….but what do we gravitate to? You guessed it.

How many of us realize that we could not have advanced as far as we have come since Stonewall without the love and support of straight friends, family and associates? Our Allies. How many of us can relate from a very personal place what it means to be unfairly judged, have blatant lies tossed at us; to be defamed to our family, friends, associates, and the public at large? Well, the good news – if you can call it that – is that it’s not just happening to LGBTQ folk these days. The bad news is that it’s still happening at all.

One case in point is that of Parisha Taylor. I have worked with this woman for almost 25 years. I know of NO ONE more inclusive, more of a friend and ally to the LGBTQ community. She has been hounded by a yellow journalist creep, Michael Sangiacomo, and the Cleveland Plain Dealer, for over 20 years now. Why? Because she dared to expose their connection to a man who misappropriated funds and goods that were supposed to be donated to an Indian reservation in the southwest. Things were fairly friendly between Parisha and the boy barracuda Sangiacomo up to that point, but after that little departure in ethics, things started to tank.

Over the last twenty years Sangiacomo has periodically harassed Parisha, and the humanitarian organization which she founded and later turned over to the capable leadership of associates.

Grandmother Parisha’s Native heritage, which has been verified, was attacked by Sangiacomo and his rag, with the help of some local AIM boys who jumped on the bandwagon, probably to take focus away from the fact that they were selling CDIB (Certificate of Degree of Indian or Alaska Native Blood) Cards for $150 to whoever wanted them, doing drugs and engaging in other criminal activities.

Now Sangiacomo and his yellow press rag are at it again 20 years later. Why? Because Parisha has become active in Kingman AZ helping to create job fairs and assist out-of-work people to get on their feet and offer the city of Kingman encouragement in economic growth. Wow – that’s sinister, Mike! WTF????

As LGBTQ people we have had lifetimes of being harassed by cretins like Sangiacomo, who has on numerous occasions been exposed for writing “interviews” containing “quotes” from individuals he NEVER SPOKE WITH. They prey on whomever they can to get a sensational story – doesn’t matter if they have to make up the details because all the lawyers will tell you it’s next to impossible to prosecute a libel suit, and it’s next to impossible to get a retraction. So the press gets a free ride at the expense of whomever….Is that what freedom of the press is supposed to be about?

I’m speaking up as a woman who has been out as a lesbian for over 40 years. I believe that we owe support to those who have supported us. We’re all in this together – and when one of us is attacked, it affects the whole.

This is a 20-year old smear campaign that reporter Michael Sangiacomo has carried out despite evidence that all he has “reported” were lies and rumors from uninformed sources. His UNSUBSTANTIATED accusations, blatant lies and attacks are made against people I consider my extended family, people I have been affiliated with for over 25 years in a non-profit humanitarian organization that has always been dedicated to helping people empower themselves through continuing education, personal and professional development and spiritual growth.

Parisha Taylor’s accomplishments speak for themselves. She has dedicated her life to assisting others –as individuals, communities, nations and globally. Mike Sangiancomo is a scumbag who has advanced the practice of yellow journalism into the 21st century where it doesn’t belong. I am encouraging my LGBTQ family to write to the Cleveland Plain Dealer and let them know that wantonly destroying peoples’ lives is not acceptable. This is a call to action. This is an ally who has been there for us. Time to reciprocate. - Msqueer

Follow these links:

Parisha's website

Parisha's Circle Blog

Parisha Taylor Fan Club on Facebook

©2010 Republished by Permission. All rights reserved.

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